Friday, July 27, 2012

How To Increase Height – At Puberty

At the stage of puberty, teenagers would want to know how to increase height for a lot of reasons.  As we all know, this stage or phase in life is considered to be one of the most crucial in terms of growing up emotionally, physically, mentally and in other important areas of a human being. A lot of changes happen during this stage and one of the most meaningful ones, and sought after, would be the physical appearance.  Being tall is something that teenagers can be really proud of and being short comes as a disadvantage at this point of life.

What teens can do about how to increase height?

The body at this stage is at full speed in terms of growing and the subject of how to increase height can be addressed by means of vitamins and minerals.  This means having a healthy diet all throughout that stage, so you can eat only foods that are filled with proteins, vitamins and essential minerals.  Give a closer importance to Vitamin A which is something that helps in the growth and strength of your bones.

B-complex vitamins like B1 and B12 are important to take. This will give your body enough energy in production of red blood cells that help in the growth of a person.  Common foods that you can find these in would be meat, seafood, water melon, banana, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, chickens and many more.

Charging your body with vitamins

Foods rich in Vitamin F (fatty acids) are also important to eat when increasing height, all in proportion of course. Such foods would include different varieties of nuts like Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts, avocado, sunflower seeds and more.  You should also eat enough foods with Vitamin D that you can get from fruits and vegetables since lacking this Vitamin can lead to abnormal growth of bones. Simple exposure to sunlight early in the morning is another way for you to get enough Vitamin D into your body.  Vitamin K is also something you should make sure that is a part of your diet, since it also plays an important part in the healthy growth of your bones and in the process of how to increase height.

Additional minerals are extremely important when increasing height. Try adding foods that are rich in calcium (most advised in teens to aid in growing taller). Other minerals you should also supply your body with are iodine, manganese, zinc, iron and magnesium. 

More about increasing height at puberty

Regular exercise is a must to increase a teenager’s height.  There are stretching exercises that are available for teens to help them develop their bones. Their bones become stronger and longer, thereby increasing height.  Being involved with a lot of physical activities can also help build up height like swimming, running and much more.
There are a lot of options for teens to do about how to increase at puberty, so when the situation is ripe, you might as well make the best of this stage in life – and grow taller.

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