Friday, July 27, 2012

How To Increase Height – After 30

Reaching the age of 30 may give a small person no reason to pursue the idea of how to increase height.  With that age, the growth of the body already slowed down, but it is still happening.  What you need to do is just give it the right kind of push that it needs for you to grow taller.  You just have to find the right ways for that to happen.

Increase height after age 30

If you are wondering how to increase height despite your age, then you need to start eating. In any kind of process you want your body to naturally go through, like develop your muscles or train yourself to be able to achieve something, you must eat.  Not only must you be eating, you must be eating right.

One of the reasons why eating is very important for increasing height is the fact that food helps in production of human growth hormones. The production of these hormones still happens even after reaching the age of 30, and for you to produce a lot of these; you need a decent amount of food.

Keep thinking how to increase height

Although you may think of eating as only basic since you are eating every day, the consumption of food with the right content will help you specifically target your need for gaining height. It is only by eating the right kinds of food that your efforts in increasing your height will bear fruits in the end.

Therefore, you will need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.  The majority of your diet about how to increase height should consist of these essential foods. Raw forms of fruits and vegetables are more suitable to be taken in as they are a lot more effective in the production of the said hormones. Do not forget to drink plenty of water as well.  A person who is well hydrated is said to be able to produce more HGH than those not hydrated enough or worse, dehydrated.

Another seemingly basic thing that you should do is exercise.  About 10 minutes of scrupulous exercise will help you produce a lot of HGH in your body.  Include stretching exercises for better effects to your purpose.
Sleep will also help you increase your height, as well as setting your body to the right positions whether you are merely sitting, standing, walking or sleeping.  These will help you develop your spinal cord and if everything goes well, you can expect an increase in height.

There's Hope after 30

Even though you are way past your growing years, there is still hope for you to gain more inches.  With doing the simple and basic things, and doing them well, one will be able to successfully go through the process of how to increase height without spending or endangering oneself.

How To Increase height – For Men

Height can give men dominance in different aspects of life and those who fell short on height would be concerned.  How to increase height for men is a question that has been asked millions if not, billions of times.  Heeding to these problems are the many ways that have been developed to gain some more inches in height and such can be achieved with a few exercises.

Exercises on how to increase height for men

One of the most common exercises that can be directly linked to gaining height is stretching.  Just thinking of the word makes you imagine stretching your body an inch or two more.  Stretching exercises are great and are easy to do even at home where you can spend at least 15 minutes doing it.  Although it is commonly applied as warm up to a more intensive exercise regimen, stretching will help you in the process of how to increase height more than you might think.

Swimming on the other hand is considered to be one of the best exercises known to men and believe it or not, it can help you increase height.  5 hours a week of swimming in the pool will be a good start for you. Compared to other kinds of exercises, swimming provides a lot of intensity to your every move thus stretching every inch of your body as you move through the water.  Swimming also requires you to move your hands, legs and the rest of your body, making it very effective and efficient in lengthening and strengthening your muscles and bones.

Some more ideas

Hanging exercises like those commonly done with monkey bars are also effective on how to increase height.  As you pull yourself up and hang a couple of inches off the ground, you allow gravity to pull your body down, and stretch it.  This in effect stretches the parts of your body, which ads more to your height.  For a very short time that you do hanging exercises, you will be able to provide more opportunity for your body to grow longer.

Stretching is key to any exercises that you do for the purpose of how to increase height. Just look for more exercises that you know will pull stretch your body. Remember that when it comes to exercises, you have a lot of options to choose from so keep on looking for better and more effective exercises.

Final tips about how to increase height for men

Doing these exercises and those that you might find by searching on your own, will most likely be able to add more inches to your height.  Come to think of it, it is just a matter of plain and simple logic with a few scientific methods to find the right kind of exercises fit for you.

How To Increase Height – At Puberty

At the stage of puberty, teenagers would want to know how to increase height for a lot of reasons.  As we all know, this stage or phase in life is considered to be one of the most crucial in terms of growing up emotionally, physically, mentally and in other important areas of a human being. A lot of changes happen during this stage and one of the most meaningful ones, and sought after, would be the physical appearance.  Being tall is something that teenagers can be really proud of and being short comes as a disadvantage at this point of life.

What teens can do about how to increase height?

The body at this stage is at full speed in terms of growing and the subject of how to increase height can be addressed by means of vitamins and minerals.  This means having a healthy diet all throughout that stage, so you can eat only foods that are filled with proteins, vitamins and essential minerals.  Give a closer importance to Vitamin A which is something that helps in the growth and strength of your bones.

B-complex vitamins like B1 and B12 are important to take. This will give your body enough energy in production of red blood cells that help in the growth of a person.  Common foods that you can find these in would be meat, seafood, water melon, banana, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, chickens and many more.

Charging your body with vitamins

Foods rich in Vitamin F (fatty acids) are also important to eat when increasing height, all in proportion of course. Such foods would include different varieties of nuts like Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts, avocado, sunflower seeds and more.  You should also eat enough foods with Vitamin D that you can get from fruits and vegetables since lacking this Vitamin can lead to abnormal growth of bones. Simple exposure to sunlight early in the morning is another way for you to get enough Vitamin D into your body.  Vitamin K is also something you should make sure that is a part of your diet, since it also plays an important part in the healthy growth of your bones and in the process of how to increase height.

Additional minerals are extremely important when increasing height. Try adding foods that are rich in calcium (most advised in teens to aid in growing taller). Other minerals you should also supply your body with are iodine, manganese, zinc, iron and magnesium. 

More about increasing height at puberty

Regular exercise is a must to increase a teenager’s height.  There are stretching exercises that are available for teens to help them develop their bones. Their bones become stronger and longer, thereby increasing height.  Being involved with a lot of physical activities can also help build up height like swimming, running and much more.
There are a lot of options for teens to do about how to increase at puberty, so when the situation is ripe, you might as well make the best of this stage in life – and grow taller.

How To Increase Height – At Childhood

Height can be an issue for people at different stages of their life. When it comes to kids, you can help your child be relieved of the problem by helping him increase his or hers height at a very young age.  Even the simple improvement of their sleeping pattern will help them grow up taller and stronger.

Why not help your child?

When you are different from everyone else, you are often subjected to jokes and taunts. That is something that is very hard to take in, especially during early adolescence and middle-late childhood. If your child is short, increasing his height will avoid this problem, helping him in the long run. Although jokes can sometimes be ignored, we all know that in the world of a child, words can sometimes mean much more than they really are, which is why parents should not take the issue of how to increase height lightly.

What you can do for your child about how to increase height

Vitamins and minerals that go into your child’s system play a very important task in increasing his height and helping him grow. Giving him his greens and providing him with a good solid amount of calcium will be a good start in the process of how to increase height. Add more essential vitamins and minerals, as well as additional protein to his diet. Use sources such as lean meats and the white part of eggs to achieve these nutrients.
Introducing him to certain exercises that contribute to his growth like some that resemble Yoga can help him maintain his steady and stable growth during puberty. Moreover, swimming lessons could be a good idea, or various strength training such as push-ups or parallels.

Exercise away – Increase height using more activities

Basketball is an excellent way to increase height. By being a very good cardio workout, it keeps him fit and in shape, but also it makes him constantly stretch his body beyond what he already does in everyday activities.

Activities are great ways for your kids to have fun and grow much better than they can ever possibly do. Never forget to make sure that your child gets enough sleep, at least 9 hours a day. Sleeping makes the process of how to increase height much more efficient, and boost up the body's' ability to use it's resources for better purposes such as better thinking processes, better general mood, and – increasing height.  

How To Increase Height – At Adulthood

When a person matures up to a certain age about 18 and above, his growth gradually slows down and even though there is so much to grow, the rate by which it happens is much slower than compared to a person’s early years.  When reaching the age beyond adulthood, how to increase height is a question worth looking in to, especially when you have fallen short to the tallness that you desire.  In this line of thought, how to increase height may no longer be just a simple question but can lead to a goal.

Steps in how to increase height

First thing you need to do is to check your lifestyle and see whether there are some reasons in that area for your setback in growing taller. Increasing height in the later stage of growth might require you to have a change of lifestyle to make sure that your body is at its best condition to grow.  If that is not what’s happening, then you can consider checking your genes or the hormones in your body, that can be the underlying issue of why you are not growing.
One thing you can do about how to increase height after adulthood can be having a change in posture.  Your posture as you sit, stand and walk or even while carrying something is a factor that can affect your growth.  Problems in your posture are common in determining your height, especially in early adulthood.  This only means that whatever your position is at any given time, you should make sure that your spinal cord is in its best and correct position even prior to attempting methods such as Yoga and stretching. If you notice a certain discomfort in that area, you can try Pilates to correct the position of your spinal cord.

The other method – a little radical, but effective

You can also use hormone supplements to increase height at an older age.  A lot of people have deficiencies or problems with their hormones which is why growing taller becomes impossible or slows down relatively.  If you think that’s the reason, consult a doctor to find the right kind of hormone supplement that you need to take.
If all goes down the toilet and you have no other options, your last resort would probably be to undergo surgery that would help you lengthen the bones in your body.  The issue with this is that after the surgery, you might experience severe pain, infections or worse nerve injuries.

Other ways to increase height

If you think none of the methods above can help you grow an inch or two, you can still try to employ various ways to increase your height like those methods that are more like optical illusions.  Such will make you appear taller than you are without too much effort.  One way is to wear heels or elevator shoes that can instantly give you a little bit of a boost to your height.  Other than these, you can consider your regular diet to help your body establish its maximum height ability in the long run.